Last Mile Connectivity

Last Mile Connectivity

 The first Phase of the project is targeted at benefitting approximately 314,200 non-commercial customers (households) resulting in electricity access to an additional 1.5 million Kenyans. Financed by the Government of Kenya and African Development Bank (AfDB) at the cost of KShs.13.5 Billion, this phase will involve extension of the low voltage network to reach households located within 600 meters of a transformer.


In this regard, Kenya Power has identified 5,320 transformers located in all the 47 counties for the implementation of the first phase of the project with actual connectivity beggining in September 2015. To benefit from this project, potential customers will be required to contribute a total of KShs.15,000.


The second and third phases of the project will include the installation of new transformers and extension of low voltage network with the aim of reaching an additional 500,000 customers thereby adding 2.5 million Kenyans to the power grid.


Selection of distribution of the transformers for the Last Mile project is based on Government Constituency Development Fund criteria for resource allocation.


In addition, the government through Rural Electrification Authority (REA), will connect potential customers located near installed transformers supplying public utilities at the same cost of KShs.15,000.


Full implementation of the Last Mile Connectivity Project will facilitate Government objective of connecting 70% of Kenyan households by 2017 thereby achievement of universal access by 2020.


Prospective customers are requested to exercise patience as these works are carried out progressively for the next three years.


Consequently, the following 5,320 transformers located in various parts of the country will be covered in the first phase:

• Environmental And Social Management Framework (EMSF) For Kenya Power’s Last Mile Connectivity Programme

• Environmental And Social Screening Project Report For Last Mile Connectivity Project

• Locations of Transformers Per County