We foster a culture of integrity among employees, crucial for sustainable business practices and positive relationships with stakeholders and the public.
Kenya Power is working towards inculcating a culture of integrity among employees for sustainable business and building positive relations with our stakeholders and the public.
Under the programme, we conduct training and sensitisation for all staff members as well as;
• Carry out investigations on allegations of staff misconduct.
• Track trends, opportunities and put in place preventive measures against corruption.
• Manage programmes to promote trust and transparency
Integrity and Ethics Department contacts:
Integrity and Ethics Department,
Kenya Power,
Stima Plaza, Kolobot Rd, Parklands,
P.O BOX 30099-00100,
Mobile: Safaricom: 0718 999000, 0711031401/3
Email: integrity@kplc.co.ke or gkoskey@kplc.co.ke
Whistleblowing System: https://kplc.confideapp.online/#/
If a customer, employee or other stakeholder encounters unethical behaviour or considers that anything required of him/her is in contravention of the code of ethics or is otherwise improper or unethical, he/she is duty bound to report the matter through the reporting channels as indicated below. Integrity champions have been appointed in all branches to support this.
Yes, you will be assigned a reference number so that you can anonymously inquire on the status or outcome of an investigation initiated by you.
All correspondence entered into the reporting channel is confidential. The substance of investigations including the identities of the parties to it will remain anonymous.
All cases will be investigated quickly and feedback provided. Some cases may take longer than others but on average, an ethics case should be resolved within 30 days.
No person shall threaten or victimize another for reporting or exposing an illegal act or a violation of ethics.
Integrity & Ethics Phone Number
Integrity & Ethics Phone Number
Integrity & Ethics Phone Number
Integrity & Ethics Phone Number
National Contact Center
Support Email
Kolobot Rd
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