Tag: last-mile

Customer Service

The Customer Service division is mandated to undertake customer related aspects of the business. Specifically, this includes but is not limited to analysis of electricity unit sales growth in the plan period, sales from new and existing customers, innovations and service reforms to enhance sales growth and customer satisfaction.

Headed by General Manager, Eng Peter Mwichigi, the Division is responsible for the sale of electricity to over 4,7 million customers countrywide and is currently targeting to connect close to to 2 million more by the end of the current financial year 2016/17 (Click here for current connectivity performance).  Specific functions are detailed below.

Sales Growth

This function is tasked with facilitating New Connections. The function has a target of connecting 1.2 million customers every year in order to achieve 70% access rate by 2017.

There are two types of new connections:

b)  Ordinary customers who are domestic and small commercial customers who need supply of below 25 Kva

b) Premium Customers who are large commercial customers requiring supply of above 25 Kva.

Demand Creation

  • The main function of Demand Creation is to take care of the Kenya Power brand  by ensuring its visibility.
  • The function informs the public about Kenya Power’s Products and services through all means including:
  • Taking part in events like Shows, exhibitions, customer forums, sponsorship of strategic events etc.
  • Products and Service advertising: TV, Radio, Print, road shows etc
  • Producing all the branded materials e.g T-Shirts, Banners,
  • Branding of Kenya Power branches

Market Research

  • The function carries out Customer Satisfaction Surveys to identify the customer needs and recommends actions to improve satisfaction.
  • Following up on the implementation of recommendation of satisfaction improvements.
  • The function is tasked with keeping up with the changing needs of the customers and the changing business environment.

Regional Marketing Activities

  • Acquiring new ordinary and premium customers
  • Engaging local stakeholders and local residents.
  • Holding informational barazas in the local areas.

Key products and Services

Currently the department is focused on:

  • Last Mile Connectivity Program:
    • Phase 1- Connecting households within 600 meters of existing transformers with customer paying Ksh. 15,000 for connections.
    • Phase 2- Extending the connection beyond 600 meters
    • Street Lighting in the towns and trading centers
  • GPOBA connections- this is a World Bank financed project that seeks to connect slums and other high density residential homes to electricity at a very subsidized rate of Ksh. 1, 160.
  • Stima Loan provides new connection loans to customers payable in 24 months.
Updated Jan 09, 2018


Shs.70 million to improve electricity supply in Kisii Town

Monday, July 20th, 2015

Kenya Power will spend Shs.70 million in a week-long exercise to improve power supply in Kisii County and its environs. The refurbished power network will offer better quality and reliable power to the area and support social and economic activities.


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Following the recent formal launch of the Last Mile Connectivity Project by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya Power wishes to update the public on the project’s progress.

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Last Mile Connectivity Schedule Released

Kenya Power today released a countrywide schedule of the areas that will benefit from the first phase of Last Mile Project was recently launched by the Presiden